Wang recounted leading French students and faculty on a visit to the Forbidden City, where they marveled at its ingenious integration of sustainability practices, like flood management and waste sorting, inspired by China's philosophy of harmony between humanity and nature.
She emphasized that in the journey toward a low-carbon future, China offers more than just technological "hardware"—it empowers the world with the "software" of traditional wisdom.(Lin Zhuowei, Xue Lingqiao)
" />经查,杨东坡身为党员领导干部,丧失理想信念,背弃初心使命,阅看有严重政治问题的电子读物和网络信息,对抗组织审查;违背组织原则,违规为他人谋取人事利益;廉洁底线失守,违规收受礼品、礼金,违规接受宴请和旅游活动安排,违规借用管理和服务对象车辆;利用职务便利为他人在土地供应、贷款担保等方面谋利,非法收受巨额财物。