Wang recounted leading French students and faculty on a visit to the Forbidden City, where they marveled at its ingenious integration of sustainability practices, like flood management and waste sorting, inspired by China's philosophy of harmony between humanity and nature.
She emphasized that in the journey toward a low-carbon future, China offers more than just technological "hardware"—it empowers the world with the "software" of traditional wisdom.(Lin Zhuowei, Xue Lingqiao)
" />奉贤区教育局表示,近日,奉贤区世外教育附属临港外国语学校有学生家长反映食堂食品卫生问题。我局立即启动应急预案,牵头召开家长代表座谈会,督促学校终止与原供餐企业合作,选取优质企业临时供餐,确保调查处理期间学校供餐不受影响。联合区市场监管部门第一时间将家长指认的存疑原辅料就地封存,经抽样检验,味精、白糖、食用油、汤料符合食品安全标准;对学生家长反映的蔬菜中发现青虫、蜗牛等异物的情况,涉嫌违反食品安全法律法规,已立案调查。区卫健部门已进行流调检查,未发现该校学生群体性食品安全事件。