Wang recounted leading French students and faculty on a visit to the Forbidden City, where they marveled at its ingenious integration of sustainability practices, like flood management and waste sorting, inspired by China's philosophy of harmony between humanity and nature.
She emphasized that in the journey toward a low-carbon future, China offers more than just technological "hardware"—it empowers the world with the "software" of traditional wisdom.(Lin Zhuowei, Xue Lingqiao)
" />“地震发生后我家的房屋鉴定为D级危房,进行了重建,7月份就完成主房重建入住了我的妹妹有点怪漫画,现在朱书记这里刚好挖药材要人,就过来打工,多少为家里补些收入。”来自民和县杏儿乡胜利村的务工村民白墙仁说,积石山地震发生后,房屋加固重建装修都需要人照看,导致他们不能出远门务工,今年都在朱玉贤的流转土地上务工,9月份来采收玉米,现在又来挖药材。