Wang recounted leading French students and faculty on a visit to the Forbidden City, where they marveled at its ingenious integration of sustainability practices, like flood management and waste sorting, inspired by China's philosophy of harmony between humanity and nature.
She emphasized that in the journey toward a low-carbon future, China offers more than just technological "hardware"—it empowers the world with the "software" of traditional wisdom.(Lin Zhuowei, Xue Lingqiao)
" />“早期大熊猫的人工繁育是个大难题,上世纪80年代的十年间,我们只繁育了1只熊猫宝宝,存活了2岁。”中国大熊猫保护研究中心首席专家李德生说,历经艰难探索,仅为了寻找最适合的幼龄大熊猫配方乳,就试验了几十次。如今大熊猫人工繁育攻克了“三难”,发情率、育幼成活率等得到明显提升,平均寿命也不断增长,形成可持续发展的人工圈养种群。